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-====== **WRC 23 Telemetry Watch** ======+====== **WRC 27 Telemetry Watch** ======
 //The ICTS strives to keep it members and associates informed on international threats and challenges to RF telemetry spectrum. ​ //The ICTS strives to keep it members and associates informed on international threats and challenges to RF telemetry spectrum. ​
-The 2023 World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC 2023, Dubai, UAE 20Nov to 15Dec)  ​will address ​agenda items that could affect ​the international telemetering community. ICTS members are encouraged to pass-on information they may have on impacts from these agenda items to //​​ and we will post that information here and in our annual Newsletter. Our goal is to  keep the telemetering community aware of these threats so they keep their own national administrations informed of national impacts. As a result, we hope their national ​ ITU representatives can make informed decisions and presentations in ITU working party and regional discussions.// ​+With the completion of the 2023 World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC 2023, Dubai, UAE 20Nov to 15Dec23)  ​several telemetry spectrum related  ​agenda items were proposed for the 2027 WRC. ICTS members are encouraged to pass-on information they may have on impacts from these agenda items to //​​ and we will post that information here on the **WRC 27 Telemetry Watch.** Our goal is to  keep the telemetering community aware of these threats so they keep their own national administrations informed of national impacts. As a result, we hope their national ​ ITU representatives can make informed decisions and presentations in ITU working party and regional discussions.// ​
-__**Agenda Item 1.1**__+__**Agenda Item 1.11**__
-//to consider, based on the results of the ITU R studiespossible measures to address, in the frequency ​band 4 800-4 990 MHz, protection of stations of the aeronautical and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from other stations located within national territories, and to review ​the pfd criteria in No. 5.441B ​in accordance with Resolution ​223 (Rev.WRC-19); RESOLUTION 223 (Rev.WRC 19). Additional frequency bands identified for International Mobile Telecommunications.//+//WRC 27 Agenda Item 1.11 will address the growing need for space-space staellite links.  
 +"​… ​to consider the technical and operational issuesand regulatory provisionsfor space-to- space links among non-geostationary and geostationary satellites ​in the frequency ​bands 1 518-1 544 MHz, 1 545-1 559 MHz1 610-1 645.5 MHz, 1 646.5-1 660 MHz, 1 670-1 675MHz ​and 2 483.5-2 500 MHz allocated ​to the mobile-satellite service, ​in accordance with Resolution ​249. (Rev.WRC-23).//
 **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:** **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:**
-The upper portion of the 4 GHz band, namely 4800-4990 MHz, is identified for IMT in numerous countries (including China, South Africa, Russia, Nigeria, Gambia, Uruguay, and Iran). In a number of administrations in ITU Region 2 (North/​South America) and in Australia a large portion of this band is also used for aeronautical mobile telemetry (“AMT”). 
-WRC-23 ​agenda item 1.calls for studies ​to consider measures to protect stations ​of the aeronautical ​and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from IMT operations in the 4800-4990 MHz band. France, the U.S., Canada and other administrations have sought to protect Aeronautical Mobile Service systems ​(AMS, AMT being included in AMSand Maritime Mobile Service ​systems. Russia, supported by China, Iran, and others have sought changes that would weaken existing protection ​for AMS/​MMS ​in international airspace and waters. This is a hotly debated issue that will not be resolved until the WRC. The issue has been worked in ITU-R Working Parties 5D and 5B.+The associated resolution to this agenda item (Res 249) notes that in Region 2 the frequency band 435-525 MHz is used by the aeronautical mobile service ​for telemetry. It seeks studies of the technical ​and operational characteristics of different types of nongeosynchronous-orbit ​(non-GSOspace stations that operate space-to-space links with non-GSO ​systems ​or GSO networks ​for space-to-Earth direction ​in the frequency bands 1 518-1 525 MHz, among others.
-Recommendation ITU-R M 2116-0 (01/2018) Technical characteristics and protection criteria for the aeronautical mobile service systems operating within the 4 400-4 990 MHz frequency range, is a significant part of this discussion. M.2116 is referenced ​in sharing and compatibility studies by the Working Parties +This could affect AMT operators ​in the United States ​and other administrations. This would also include ​the space-to-Earth direction ​in the frequency ​band 1 518-1 544 MHz.
- +
-Work done in the U.S. (by John Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab) has determined that existing criteria specified in ITU-R M.2116 can protect AMT signals adequately, and the United States ​has proposed that AMT (currently excluded from the scope of the Recommendation) be included, or at least that certain of the technical parameters ​in the Recommendation be identified as also applicable to AMT. The intent is to put AMT in a stronger position to respond to encroachment threats from IMT (mobile broadband such as 5G) in this band, or portions thereof such as 4800-4940 MHz+
 **Current Status:** **Current Status:**
-Working ​Parties 5B and 5D have concluded their work for this study cycle. ​ The Conference Preparatory Meeting Report is completed, and administrations are now preparing for the WRC which will be held in Dubai from November 20 to December 15, 2023.+This has been assigned to ITU Working ​Party 4C which meets in Oct.
-__**Agenda Item 1.4**__+__**Agenda Item 1.13**__
-//to consider, in accordance with Resolution 247 (WRC-19), ​the use of high-altitude platform ​stations ​as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in certain frequency bands below 2.7 GHz already identified for IMT, on a global or regional level; +//to consider ​studies on possible new allocations to the mobile-satellite service for direct connectivity between space stations ​and International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) user equipment to complement terrestrial IMT network coverage, ​in accordance with Resolution COM6/9. (WRC-23)//
-RESOLUTION 247 (WRC 19); Facilitating mobile connectivity in certain frequency bands below 2.7 GHz using high-altitude platform stations as International Mobile Telecommunications base stations//+
 **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:** **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:**
-This item discusses the use of high-altitude platform stations as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in frequency bands below 2.7 GHz. The band 1780-1850 MHz, allocated for AMT in some administrations,​ has been suggested for HIBS use in current WP5D discussions. Discussions on this issue are on-going in ITU-R Working Party 5D. 
-__**Agenda Item 10**__+The agenda item and accompanying Resolution COM6/9 (WRC-23) provide that the studies will deal with the frequency range between 694/698 MHz and 2.7 GHz, which can include several AMT bands. ​
-ESA is proposing to the Region 1 CEPT a WRC-23 agenda item 10 proposal for a WRC-31 preliminary agenda item on possible new primary allocations to the RNSS (space-to-Earth) within the frequency bands 5030–5150 MHz and 5150-5250 MHz.  
-Specifically,​ the proposal looks to consider , based on the results of studies, a new global primary allocation to the RNSS (space-to-Earth) in the frequency bands 5030-5150 and 5150-5 250 MHz or parts thereof, in accordance with Resolution [RNSS-5GHz] (WRC-23); ​+__**Agenda Item 1.7**__
-At this point, ESA is seeking CEPT support ​for its proposal. ​ In that regard, ESA has developed  ​the required elements for the update ​of the Draft ECP and the draft CEPT Brief on WRC-23 ​agenda item 10 to support this proposal.+//… to consider studies on sharing and compatibility and develop technical conditions ​for the use of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-8 400 MHz (or parts thereof), ​and 14.8-15.35 GHz taking into account existing primary services operating in these, and adjacent, frequency bands, in accordance with Resolution COM 6/26 (WRC- 23)//
 **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:** **Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:**
-The proposal would affect the global harmonized AMT band (5091-5150 MHz) and ITU Region 1 AMT band (5150-5250 ​MHz).   ICTS recommends members advise their administrations ​of this proposal and the potential ​impact to telemetry ​in the 5 GHz bands.+ 
 +The associated resolution on IMT could affect the 4 400- 4 940 MHz band used for AMT. The resolution discusses the necessary studies for the use of International Mobile Telecommunications ​(IMT) in several bands, including 4 400-4 800 MHz (Region 1 and 3 only), to implement IMT. The resolution references relevant protective information relating to previous sharing studies including ITU-R M.2116. 
 +__** Proposed Agendas Item for WRC 31**__ 
 +RNSS Spectrum. WRC-23 adopted a preliminary agenda item for WRC-31 on RNSS spectrum 
 +//…to consider possible allocations to the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to- Earth) in the frequency bands [5 030-5 150 MHz 
 +and 5 150-5 250 MHz] or parts thereof, in accordance with Resolution COM6/19 (WRC- 23)// 
 +The accompanying resolution (COM 6/19)  asks for studies on possible new allocations to the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to- Earth) in the frequency bands [5 030-5 150 MHz and 5 150-5 250 MHz] or parts thereof. 
 +**Current Telemetry use/​potential impact:** 
 +Parts of these bands are currently used by AMT (5 091-5 150 MHz globally and 5150-5250 ​in Region 1 (and others). This resolution, in support ​of the ESA’s R&D activities on the European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS) and Positioning,​ Navigation and Timing in Low Earth Orbit (LEO-PNT), asks for new frequency bands and allocations suitable for very wide band PNT signals. Clearly, these new services could be exploited by all other RNSS users, including aeronautical transportation systems. It is felt that these potential ​new signals cannot be supported ​in the existing allocations. 
 +ITU-R Studies on sharing and compatibility between RNSS and the incumbent services may be considered at WRC-27 with the result depending on confirmation of the preliminary agenda item for WRC-31. 
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