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 The International Consortium for Telemetry Spectrum (ICTS) is an international group of telemetry practitioners whose main objective is to ensure the future availability of electromagnetic spectrum for telemetering. The International Consortium for Telemetry Spectrum (ICTS) is an international group of telemetry practitioners whose main objective is to ensure the future availability of electromagnetic spectrum for telemetering.
-The ICTS is dedicated to the promotion and stimulation of technical growth in telemetering and its allied arts and sciences. Learn about and contribute to telemetry advancement. [[About|More]]+The ICTS is dedicated to the promotion and stimulation of technical growth in telemetering and its allied arts and sciences. Learn about and contribute to telemetry advancement. ​ [[About|More]] 
 {{:​wiki:​head_events.gif}}\\ {{:​wiki:​head_events.gif}}\\
-Fall; Annual ICTS Meeting at ITC , 15-18 October,​2021,​ Las Vegas (USA)\\ 
-Spring 2022: ICTS Meting at ETTC,  Sensor+Test 2022, 10-12 May, 2022, Nuremberg, Germany)\\ 
-Congratulations to our new  2021/2022 Officers- Mr. Christian Herbepin (Chairman), Mr. Scott Hoschar (Vice Chairman),​and Mr. Tim Chalfant (Secretary). Our 2021/2022 Regional Coordinators are Mr. Luc Falga (Region 1- Europe/​Africa),​ Mr. Guy Williams (North and South America), and Mr. Jamie Presser (Asia and Oceania).\\ +**__2025__**:​\\
-\\ +
-Interested in serving the international telemetry community? Concerned about WRC-23 and preserving adequate RF spectrum for scientific telemetry? contact us (!\\+
-{{:​wiki:​head_project.gif}} ​\\ +**European Test and Telemetry Conference (ETTC) **,  10-11 Jun25, Toulouse, France ​\\
-[[http://​​icts_warsaw_article.html|Telemetry Band Augmentation and Harmonization:​ Planning for the future of International Aeronautical Test and Evaluation]]+
-One of the significant factors affecting international test and evaluation is the planningscheduling, and utilization of aeronautical telemetry to support flight test, atmospheric research, and other scientific application requiring real-time ​RF communicationsMore »+**International Telemetry Conference (ITC) **, Oct 20-23, Las Vegas, NV, USA \\ 
 +Look for us at these important conferences where the  ICTS will be presenting technical papers ​ on //Telemetry Spectrum Encroachment Updates//. Join us for a review ​of the most current status of issues facing AMT!\\ 
 +Who we are: Mr. Scott Hoschar (Chairman) Mr. Tim Chalfant (Secretary). Our Regional Coordinators are Mr. Luc Falga (Region 1- Europe/​Africa)Mr. Guy Williams (North ​and South America), and Mr. Jamie Presser (Asia and Oceania).\\ 
 +Interested in serving the international telemetry community? Concerned about  preserving adequate ​RF spectrum for scientific telemetry? contact us (!\\
 {{:​wiki:​head_news.gif}} {{:​wiki:​head_news.gif}}
-  * **{{ :​documents:​2020:​icts_news_spring_2020.pdf |ICTS Spring 2020 News}}**+ 
   * [[awards|MYRON HIRAM NICHOLS Best Paper Award for Telemetry Spectrum Advancement]]   * [[awards|MYRON HIRAM NICHOLS Best Paper Award for Telemetry Spectrum Advancement]]
-  * First WRC-07 C-band telemetry ground station in the US ([[http://​​AFTPS_CBand_Operational.wmv|View movie.wmv]]) +  * Why Telemetry? ​Using Spectrum to Safeguard Flight (View [[http://​​|]])
-  * Using Spectrum to Safeguard Flight (View [[http://​​telemetry_spectrum06.wmv|movie.wmv]])+